Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days of Being Found: Day Two

This finding process began on September 30, 2011. 

I honestly had completely forgotten that date until I started paging back through my journal this past weekend - on September 30, 2012 to be exact. I literally gasped when I realized it was one year later.

One day later I was enjoying a lazy Saturday and decided to watch one of my favorite movies, Amazing Grace.

I watched this movie for the first time in 2007 (I think). I loved it immediately, but my heart had not been laid open at that point. It was simply an inspiring true story.

Well, four years later as I began to watch it again - heart splayed wide open - the message of the movie nearly jumped off the television screen. A steady stream of tears ran down my face. Not those horrid guilt-ridden tears - those are more based in hiding. No, these were tears of joy, of knowing,

of being found.

I've posted the movie trailer, but the part I wanted to find was a specific conversation between Wilberforce and Richard (the butler). It's near the beginning of the movie. Some of my favorite quotes from that conversation:

Richard:  "You found God sir?"
Wilberforce:  "I think he found me."

Wilberforce:  "I have ten thousand engagements of state today and I'd rather be getting a wet arse (yes, that's how's it is captioned) marveling at bloody spiders' webs."

Being found had that affect on me. Suddenly the constant hassle of life and the stress that threatened to literally choke me faded from my consciousness. In it's place I sat in near silence marveling at the miracle of being discovered the Creator of the universe. Not only was He the Creator of everything, but he was my Creator. 

Simultaneously I sat in awe of the bigness (the Creator) and the resulting smallness ("the Creator" created me) of that truth. Oh my... it still leaves me stunned.

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